Getting Started with Kogan Marketplace API
To use the Marketplace API, you must first have valid credentials.
Start by signing up using the Marketplace Application Form
Once you have been approved, your account manager will send you API keys, see: Authentication.
Test Environment
During the testing phase of your integration, you will be integrating with our UAT environment.
The shopfront is:
The base API URL is :
The username/password for the shopfront is “kogan” with a blank password.
Test purchases
To make a purchase on the UAT environment, you can use the credit card:
Number: 4444 3333 2222 1111
Expiry: 03/30
CVC: 737
Name: (anything)
Alternative cards can be found here
Going live
Once testing is complete, you will then be given new credentials to use on the production API.
The production shopfront is:
The production API url is:
You will be required to list the products again in the production environment, as we do not have the ability to move the testing data over.
Updated over 4 years ago